June 24, 2021
article reposted by Chelsea Durrant
THE Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association (JHTA) says it is in full support of Government’s decision to reopen the entertainment sector, saying it is a win for both the entertainment and tourism industries.
According to the hoteliers, an unchained entertainment sector will undoubtedly pump some life and dollars into the nation’s tourism product.
“Entertainment and tourism are linked in many ways. People come to Jamaica, and a part of the allure to Jamaica is reggae music. To the extent that they can get reggae music being played whether within the walls of the hotel or on the street in small groups or events, then the opening of entertainment is definitely going to bring more people to Jamaica and bring more occupancy to the hotels,” JHTA President Clifton Reader told the Jamaica Observer yesterday.
“It goes without saying that we are in full support. But the only caution is that we’ve known the rigours of maintaining our protocols within the hotels and we’re just stressing to entertainment that they should maintain the same rigours with the protocols that they have,” said Reader.
Addressing Parliament yesterday, Prime Minister Andrew Holness said the Government is considering contemplating two categories of events — small events with no more than 100 people in total, including organisers and support personnel; and large events with more than 100 people.
Holness said small events include parties, round-robins and other events of that nature, while large events would include stage shows, church conventions, conferences or crusades and related activities.
Added Reader: “People were getting frustrated not being able to have entertainment events and not being able to express themselves culturally in many ways. But we just have to know that the opening up or the relaxation has some rules and we have to maintain those rules.”